Best K-12 Schools
K-12 Security Solutions
Classroom Learning Made Safer & More Secure
As a leader in the security industry, Best Security Solutions is partnering with educational facilities to develop comprehensive solutions to keep schools safe. Concerns regarding school security have dramatically increased, as education facilities across the nation have become the target of crime and violence. From preparedness training and school safety programs, to security site surveys and implementing comprehensive solutions, Best’s trusted security advisors are your partners in securing K-12 education facilities.
With Best’s decades of educational security expertise, and your individualized security needs, together, we can protect your students, employees and facilities, so you can focus on what’s really important – education.
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Interested in Best’s K-12 Security Solutions?
Craftmaster Hardware is an expert supplier of Best security products. We can deliver on any one of Stanley’s sophisticated and high quality solutions. Need a consult? Craftmaster will spend the time necessary to specify the right product for the right application for your specific need. We can also facilitate a trusted Stanley security advisor and help you with securing your entire educational facility.
Call 800-221-3212 and discuss your security needs with a Craftmaster expert on:
- Access Control Technology
- Lock Down Solutions
- Door Locking Hardware, Closers & Locks
- Perimeter Security Solutions
- Fire & Life Safety
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